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Entries for #hazel

Automated Weekly Sermon Podcast

Each Sunday at Church of the Epiphany we record our sermon using someone’s mobile phone. We started doing this back in September and, for the last three months, editing and uploading these sermons to our website has been a fairly manual process. Starting this month, however, with a combination of JustCast, Dropbox, Hazel, Squarespace, and Auphonic I’ve been able to mosty automate the process. 1. Download & Rename Each week shortly after worship, Fr. Read more...

Posted: Tue, Dec 18, 2018, Words: ~800, Reading Time: 4 min

Automated *Pretty* Tweets to DayOne

I’ve been using DayOne as my journal since 2014. Very early on, I realized that a good part of my daily journaling was actually done on Twitter. Over the years I’ve used IFTTT to import my tweets, but the fact that that system didn’t include images or quoted tweets removed a lot of important context. I wanted something nicer that showed the full Twitter card with graphics, etc. DayOne’s recent release of activity feeds seemed to be a good solution, but it, too, lost a lot of context and was very manual. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Sep 20, 2017, Words: ~800, Reading Time: 4 min

Archiving my Website with Workflow & Hazel

I really enjoy automating things using Workflow, Hazel, shell scripts, or just about anything else. Last night I got the idea that it would be cool to have a graphical archive of each post to my website as it appeared the day it was posted. Over time I’ll have a visual history of how my website has changed and, who knows, might make a little coffee table book or something. Read more...

Posted: Tue, Jun 27, 2017, Words: ~300, Reading Time: 2 min