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Entries for #essay

Storm of Steel: Insight to the German Vaterland

The year is 1920 in the former German Reich. Germany has lost. Lost not just the war, but also her young men, her soldiers, her pride. Europe lay in ruins. The new Weimar Republic is unstable and lacks the lustre of the former Reich. People are asking, “Why did we fight? Why did our sons die? Why?”. A former soldier answers their cry. In Ernst Jünger’s book, “Storm of Steel” Jünger describes through the retelling of his experiences in the first world war why his people sacrificed and why Germany’s sons didn’t die in vain. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Nov 20, 2002, Words: ~1300, Reading Time: 6 min
Tags: #undergrad

Why?: English Spelling Reform

January 15, 1994. I’m ten years old and am in the fourth grade. It’s nine o’clock at night and I should be asleep; however, I still have an hour or more left of studying. “I hate spelling,” I say to my mother. “Why can’t things be spelt the way they sound?” “I don’t know,” she replies. “Hurry up now. I have to go to work in the morning. Only ten more words to memorize. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Nov 13, 2002, Words: ~3200, Reading Time: 15 min

The Chickens Survived

At my church back in Huntsville there's a story that everyone likes totell. It's the story of the weekend that, as the church newsletterwould later report, "only the chickens survived." It all begins like this: our scoutmaster was the ex-military type. Heliked doing things the Army way and treated us boys like troops. I wasfourteen at the time and, like so many others, was only at scoutsbecause my parents made me. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Oct 23, 2002, Words: ~2000, Reading Time: 10 min

I've Gone to the "Dark Side"

Since my first inklings of consciousnessI have been inherently conservative. Not really conservative in the modern sense, but to the likening of such conservative greats asEdmund Burke (that father of conservatism); the type of conservativethat believes in constitutional monarchy, restricted suffrage, andlaissez-faire economics. Don't get me wrong, I havea soft side, but when it comes to politics there is no room for grayarea. In the political world there is only good and badpolicy. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Oct 23, 2002, Words: ~800, Reading Time: 4 min

Edmund Burke and Abbé Sieyés: A Political Contrast

France in the late 1700s was in a time of turmoil. The institutions of the old regime were failing and new, seemingly radical institutions were put in its place. This sudden and radical change sent shockwaves throughout Europe. Could the ways of old be replaced by this new republican form of government? That is the question many statesmen such as Edmund Burke and Abbé Sieyés had to ask themselves. Sieyés and Burke differed ideologically in many ways. Read more...

Posted: Tue, Oct 1, 2002, Words: ~1100, Reading Time: 6 min
Tags: #undergrad

Nature's Peaceful World of Wonders

Not too long ago I found something that would change the way that I thought about this campus. It was the first Sunday of college. The air was cooling as the sun slowly crept behind the horizon to visit her friends on the other side of the globe. I was slowly walking through campus letting my curiosity lead me to whatever adventure lay ahead. If only I had known what I was about to find, I might have walked a little faster. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Sep 25, 2002, Words: ~1100, Reading Time: 5 min

Etwas über Huntsville

Huntsville, Alabama ist eine bekannte Stadt im Staat Alabama in den Verinigiten Staaten von Amerika. Huntsville ist nicht weit von Nashville, Tennessee. Huntsville hat viele Festivals. Das große Festival ist der Big Spring Jam im September. Huntsvilles Bevölkerung die ist um 200.000 Leute. Wir sind nicht zu groß und nicht zu klein. In Huntsville haben wir auch das U.S. Space and Rocket Center Es ist sehr cool und hat viele Raketen. Read more...

Posted: Tue, Aug 21, 2001, Words: ~100, Reading Time: 1 min

Etwas über Mich

Grüß dich. Ich heiße Michael Arnold und ich bin siebzehn Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Huntsville, Alabama und gehe zur Grissom High School. Schule macht Spaß aber manchmal ist es langweilig. Ich haba mathematik nicht gern. Mathe ist zu schwer und hat so viele Hausaufgaben. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Deutsch. Ich bekomme immer eine gute Note in Deutsch. Meine Familie ist sehr nett. Wir haben eine Hund. Der heißt Benjamin. Er ist sehr klug. Read more...

Posted: Mon, Apr 2, 2001, Words: ~200, Reading Time: 1 min

The 60s and 70s Decades

The person whom I interviewed was Bethel Hart, my grandmother. She is about 65-years-old and has lived in Winchester, Tennessee for all of her life. When I asked Granny Hart if she would mind getting interviewed she said that I should interview someone else because she wouldn’t remember anything. I told her that was the exact reason I was interviewing her. Last time when I interviewed Granddad Arnold he remembered too much and I had to do allot of writing. Read more...

Posted: Sun, Mar 4, 2001, Words: ~700, Reading Time: 4 min

The Autobiography of Michael Arnold

On December 1, 1983, an amazing event happened; an event that would someday affect the outcome of this world. This event, or rather a miracle, was me, Michael Wayne Arnold. I was born to two loving parents, Joy and Ken, in the Republic of Panama. My parents were living there because my father was in the US Army and we were stationed there. After I was born we stayed in Panama for about another six months. Read more...

Posted: Mon, Aug 21, 2000, Words: ~700, Reading Time: 3 min

Airbag Safety

In the last few years people in the United States have been hearing a lot about airbags. A few years ago some news sources said that airbags were safe only for a small percentage of the population. Other news sources said that airbags were safe for a large percent of the population and that they should be required in all new vehicles sold in this country. In 1997, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that it would allow some car-drivers to “disconnect” their airbags as long as they meet the certain criteria to buy the shutoff switch (air bag 1). Read more...

Posted: Sat, May 1, 1999, Words: ~800, Reading Time: 4 min

W.E.B. Du Boise

William Edward Burghardt Du Boise was born in Mass. On Feb 23, 1868. He was a graduate from Fisk University in 1888. He received his doctorate at Harvard University in 1890. He became an educator and taught at such universities as Wilberforce, and Atlanta. He was a professor of Greek, Latin, Economics and History. His education carried over to writing. He was director of publications of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and founding editor of its magazine CRISIS. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Mar 2, 1994, Words: ~200, Reading Time: 1 min

George Orwell

George Orwell, a British writer, was born in Motihari, India in 1903. In India he served with the Indian Imperial Police. In 1927 he went to England in poor health and lived there for several years in poverty. Because of his experiences during these years he wrote his first book Down and out in Paris and London published in 1933. In 1936 George joined the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Mar 2, 1994, Words: ~200, Reading Time: 1 min

Africans in America

The first Africans in America landed at Jamestown, VA in 1619. There were about 20 or so. These Africans had been on a ship bound for the Indies when the ship was robbed. The thieves carried their hostages to the shores of America and traded them for food. They became Indentured Servants to the people that accepted them in exchange for the food. They were servants for a few years then given their freedom. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Mar 2, 1994, Words: ~300, Reading Time: 2 min

Thomas A. Edison

Thomas Edison invented many of the items that today we take for granted. His entire adult life was devoted to inventing useful machines for society. He invented over 1,000 different items. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As a boy Thomas Edison was curious about how machines worked and how they could be made to work better. Some of the many inventions of Thomas Edison are the record player, the motion picture camera, electrical railroad, and his most famous the light bulb. Read more...

Posted: Wed, Feb 2, 1994, Words: ~200, Reading Time: 1 min